Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos: history and traditions of the holiday, signs and prohibitions.

Pokrova of the Holy Virgin: history and traditions
Pokrova of the Holy Virgin: history and traditions

The feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is associated with the apparition of the Theotokos in the church in Constantinople when the city was besieged by enemies. The Theotokos prayed for the people and covered them with her omophorion, which radiated heavenly glory.

For the Cossacks, the Protection was a particularly important holiday. Their Protection was their intercessor and patroness. Also, on October 1, Ukrainian Cossacks Day is celebrated.

Today, the Protection is a day of defenders of Ukraine and is a national holiday. The Ukrainian army plays a significant role in the defense of the country.

On this day, it is customary to go to church, pray to the Theotokos, and help the poor and disadvantaged. Pancakes are also traditionally prepared, and the house is fumigated with burning apple or cherry branches.

There are several folk signs about the weather that predict winter and snow. The holiday is also associated with finding a groom, so unmarried girls are advised to light a candle in the church.

On the Protection, one should not engage in physical labor or household chores. It is also forbidden to quarrel and swear, and it is better to refrain from consuming alcohol and overeating.

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