Poland accused a Russian of espionage, returned to the Russian Federation as part of an exchange.

Russian spy returned to Russia
Russian spy returned to Russia

The National Prosecutor's Office of Poland accused Russian citizen Pavel Rubtsov of espionage. He posed as a Spanish journalist, Pablo Gonzalez. Rubtsov was detained in Poland in February 2022. The country's special services found that he had been transmitting information to Russian intelligence for six years, potentially harming the state.

The activities of the accused included obtaining and transmitting information, spreading disinformation, and conducting operational intelligence. For these accusations, Rubtsov faces up to 15 years in prison. His case has not yet been sent to court because the investigation is officially not completed.

Rubtsov managed to infiltrate the circles of Russian opposition leaders and transmit information to the GRU about their events and plans, particularly by collaborating with the Boris Nemtsov Foundation.

On August 1, a prisoner exchange took place between Russia, the USA, and Germany. 24 people participated in it. The Russian side handed over 16 people to the American side, and the American side handed over 8 people to Russia.

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