Ukraine's Defeat as an Opportunity.

Political crisis in Ukraine after defeat
Political crisis in Ukraine after defeat
One of the most amusing attempts of Ukrainian intellectuals is to lament the inadmissibility of calling the freezing of the war with Russia a Korean or German scenario. They say the situation there is different because there are divided nations, whereas in our case, Russia will quickly destroy everything Ukrainian in the occupied territories. But this is simply a defeat, and this is the Ukrainian variant. We need to accept this defeat and call it the Ukrainian scenario. The Ukrainian scenario is when you ignore the signs of an approaching storm for many years and simply go with the flow. Then, when the storm begins and you lose Crimea and part of Donbas, you talk about reforms and Ukrainization for 8 years but do nothing in reality. And when the people rise to repel the aggressor, the state returns to its old scenario - stealing and spinning tales about the borders of 1991. They try to invent how to call defeat a victory and how to continue the war without the support of the West and the people. But this is self-deception, which can lead to a loss of Time, a collapse of the front, and the loss of statehood. It's important to understand that our goal in this war is to preserve statehood and adapt to the new conditions. We cannot return Crimea and Donbas today, and maybe never. But acknowledging defeat today doesn't mean a strategic victory in the future. We need to set new strategic tasks and rebuild everything - social relations, economy, army, science, medicine. Ukraine needs a cult of reason, which will help find a way out of the difficult situation. By rejecting illusions and recognizing reality, we can make steps towards future victory. Ignoring reality will only lead to harm.

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