Fires in Los Angeles. Oscar-winning actor Hopkins lost his third home.

Fires in Los Angeles. Oscar-winning actor Hopkins lost his third home
Пожежі в Лос-Анджелесі: Оскароносний актор Хопкінс зазнав втрати третього будинку.

Anthony Hopkins lost his home in Los Angeles due to a fire

Oscar-winning actor Anthony Hopkins lost his luxurious home in Los Angeles, which he purchased for $6 million in 2021. His property was completely destroyed by fire. The actor often posted videos from the rooms and veranda of the house on TikTok. This is already the third house that Anthony Hopkins has lost to fire. Model Paris Hilton also lost her home in Los Angeles.

In Malibu, the house rented by Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, also burned down. The building with three bedrooms and three bathrooms was almost completely destroyed.

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