Putin Might Have Consulted Shamans About the War - Media.

Putin could have consulted on the war with shamans - media
Putin could have consulted on the war with shamans - media

Putin Visited Shamans in Mongolia and Tuva - Media

According to the Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar in the German magazine Der Spiegel, Vladimir Putin, having visited Tuva and Mongolia in early September, not only held official meetings but also met with shamans.

According to the report, early September marked Putin's third visit to Mongolia in the past decade and numerous visits to Tuva over the years.

Mongolia and Tuva are considered the birthplace of the most powerful shamans in the world.

"Rumors are now spreading in Moscow that Putin needs the blessing of shamans to use nuclear weapons. Without their consent, he couldn't make such a serious step, fearing to anger the spirits. And allegedly, he returned from Mongolia satisfied," the article noted.

The author also noted that he does not have confirmation of this version.

Vladimir Putin is known for his interest in mysticism and the combination of Orthodox and pagan traditions. He often meets with elders from the Valaam Monastery and, according to reports, has participated in shamanic rituals.

The article also notes that the shamans promised Putin success in the war. Specifically, political scientist Valery Solovei claimed in 2022 that before the attack on Ukraine, a pagan ritual was performed during which shamans predicted a successful military operation.

The story is reminiscent of Adolf Hitler and his entourage's fascination with occult sciences.

Source: Ukrinform

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