Putin ordered active childbirth: Russians' unexpected reaction.

Putin, childbirth, Russians' reaction
Putin, childbirth, Russians' reaction

According to the analytical company DSM Group, Russians bought a record number of contraceptives, although Putin's demands are for the birth of many children. During the first half of 2024, Russian pharmacy chains received 19.3 billion rubles (870.2 million hryvnias) from the sale of contraceptives, the highest figure in the last five years. Sales of condoms and birth control pills in the "36.6" pharmacy network increased by 8% and 10% respectively, while on the marketplace "Zdravsiti" sales of contraceptives increased by 22%. This may be related to the economic situation in the country, which forces Russians to postpone childbirth, notes RNC Pharma Development Director Nikolai Bespalov. Birth rates in Russia continue to fall, although Putin demands the birth of many children. The number of newborns decreased by 3% compared to last year, when Russia had the lowest birth rate since 1999.

To grow the population to 600 million people over a century, Russia needs to ban abortions, promote large families, and return "the traditional chastity and virtues of the Russian people," as stated in the Decree of the XXV World Russian People's Council "The Present and Future of the Russian World" of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Putin announced the launch of the national project "Family," as poverty, particularly the poverty of large families, is one of the biggest problems in the Russian Federation, affecting over 9% of the population.

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