Russian tankers redirect to sanctioned Pacific port.

Russian tankers in port
Танки російських військ змінюють курс до портів, що підпадають під санкції в Тихому океані.

Vessels that previously transported oil from western ports in Russia are now being redirected to the east of the country to service a vital oil supply route to China, which has been affected by U.S. sanctions.

According to Bloomberg, the reason for this is the rising shipping rates along this route from the Russian port of Kozmino to China after U.S. sanctions were imposed on vessels using this route, reports Economic Truth.

Most vessels typically used for trading are Aframax tankers with a total capacity of around 750,000 barrels.

According to Bloomberg, at least two tankers owned by companies from Hong Kong have begun to sail this route. The owners of these companies did not disclose whether they are Russian.

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