SBU released new evidence in the case of a bribe by the deputy minister of energy: audio.

Evidence of bribery by deputy energy minister
Evidence of bribery by deputy energy minister

SBU published intercepted conversations of participants in the corruption scheme

The Security Service of Ukraine on August 13, 2024, released intercepted conversations of participants in the corruption scheme, in the organization of which the deputy minister of energy of Ukraine is suspected.

According to the investigation, the official demanded a bribe of 500 thousand US dollars for the transfer of mining equipment from the frontline Donetsk mines to the heads of state enterprises of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin.

We are talking about unique and scarce equipment of the state coal company located in the Pokrovsky district - one of the hottest directions of the eastern front.

Earlier, employees of the SBU and NABU with the support of SAP, the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, and the assistance of the Minister of Energy of Ukraine exposed this corruption scheme and detained four suspects. Preventive measures were chosen for all the figures involved.

Pre-trial investigation in the case continues. It is worth noting that according to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a legal manner and established by a court's verdict.

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