Sikorski commented on a possible peace with Putin's Russia.

Sikorsky on possible peace with Putin
Sikorsky on possible peace with Putin

Poland's Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski expressed his opinion on the impossibility of achieving peace with Russia under current conditions. He emphasized that Putin's goal is peace, but only on his terms, which implies the capitulation of Ukraine or even the West. The Minister considers three possible responses to such a situation: capitulation, some containment of the aggressor, or the strengthening of the victim to force the aggressor to yield.

Sikorski recalled the important significance of the OSCE and the Helsinki process, which helped achieve important agreements between the communist bloc and the West. But according to him, modern Russia has violated these commitments, introducing a more authoritarian regime and having more political prisoners than during the Brezhnev era. Additionally, Russia has started to change borders by force.

The Minister emphasized that the OSCE aimed to stabilize security in Europe with Russia's participation. However, the Russian Federation has violated not only the main principles of the OSCE but also the UN Charter. For this reason, according to Sikorski, under the current conditions, it is impossible to achieve peace with Russia as it has its own interests in aggression. Therefore, the response to this should be forceful, not through actions.

It should be noted that earlier Radosław Sikorski warned Europe about the need to prepare for changes in relations with the U.S. due to the Trump administration.

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