Mortality in Ukraine is three times higher than birth rate in 2024.

Chart: mortality exceeds birth rate
Chart: mortality exceeds birth rate

In the first half of 2024, 87,655 children were born in Ukraine, which is 9% less than last year, according to the Ministry of Justice. Also recorded are 250,972 deaths. The most births and deaths were in Dnipropetrovshchyna and Kyiv. This data is provided from OpenDataBot.

Compared to the pre-invasion period, the birth rate has decreased by 1.5 times this year: 87,655 children against 132,595 in 2021.

The highest number of newborns was registered in Kyiv - 9,695 children, in Lviv - 7,923 and in Dnipropetrovsk - 6,962. Few children are born in frontline regions: in Kherson - 221 children and in Donetsk - 702. In half a year, there were no newborns registered in Luhansk.

Currently, for every newborn citizen, there are three deceased. This is one of the key indicators of a demographic crisis. Compared to 2018-2020, when there were two deaths per child, this is significantly higher.

In the first half of 2024, 250,972 people died in Ukraine. This is 1.4 times less than in 2021, when there were 349,041 deaths. However, it is worth remembering that 2021 was a peak year for mortality due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The least number of deaths is in Kherson (2,334) and Donetsk (5,753), as well as in Chernivtsi region (5,422). An anti-record for mortality was set in Dnipropetrovsk - 26,374, in Kharkiv - 17,999 and in Kyiv - 17,449.

According to the Ministry of Justice, in the first half of 2024, 87,655 babies were born in Ukraine.

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