Courts in most cases cancel fines from TCC: three main reasons.

Courts cancel fines, reasons of TCС
Courts cancel fines, reasons of TCС

Within 5 months of the introduction of new rules regarding the violation of military registration rules, at least 314 cases regarding the cancellation of fines from TCC have been found in the court register. Most courts cancel fines, as «Opendatabot» reports.

«Every month the number of such cases is growing: in June there were only 10 cases, and in September their number reached 148. By early October, 34 cases have already been considered,» analysts emphasize.

«Opendatabot» analyzed the cases related to the cancellation of fines and in most cases courts satisfy claims and cancel fines.

Three main reasons for the cancellation of fines can be identified:

  • failure to comply with the procedure for imposing fines by TCC;
  • lack of convincing evidence of violations by citizens;
  • fines are imposed for a period when new norms were not yet in force.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 12,000 fines for violating military registration have been sent for compulsory execution.

Fines from TCC, which have been subjected to compulsory execution, can be checked in   «Opendatabot».

We remind you that the lack of awareness  of the TCC  about the plaintiff's right to a deferment does not refute the fact that the plaintiff was not subject to conscription during mobilization according to Article 23 of the Mobilization Act. This was noted by the Vinnytsia District Administrative Court in its decision dated August 23, 2024, as reported by

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