Oleg Tyagnibok

Oleg Tyagnibok

Date of birth: 07.11.1968

Oleg Yaroslavovich Tyagnibok - Chairman of the political party All-Ukrainian Union Freedom. People's Deputy of Ukraine of the III, IV, and VII Parliaments, candidate in the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2010 and 2014.

Place of birth. Education. The self-proclaimed deputy of the VIII Parliament, doctor Oleg Tyagnibok, was born on November 7, 1968, in the city of Lviv. Oleg Tyagnibok became a doctor. He graduated from the Lviv State Medical Institute named after Danylo Halytsky. Initially, Tyagnibok worked for four years as a nurse and brother in a hospital. He studied at the Faculty of Medicine and graduated with a medical diploma. After graduating from the medical institute, Tyagnibok was a physician for three years at the regional prison hospital in Lviv. In 1999, Tyagnibok studied at the law faculty of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. He obtained a law degree and is now a politician.

Career as a doctor and politician. Tyagnibok worked as a doctor in the surgical department of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital and then spent two years as a nurse in the neurosurgical department. From August 1993 to July 1996, he was a resident in the urological and surgical departments of the Lviv Regional Emergency Medical Hospital.

In politics, he is one of the most well-known Ukrainian nationalists of the present day - directly from student life. Initially, he was the head of the student union center of the Lviv Medical Institute. From 1991 to 1994, he led the student union in Lviv. From 1994 to 1998, he represented the interests of society in the Lviv Regional Council. For over 10 years, he was a member of the Social National Party of Ukraine (SNPU).

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According to the results of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine in the autumn of 2019, the Freedom party did not exceed the 5% threshold to enter Parliament.

Views. In the economy, the party and its leader initially encourage a sensible energy policy. According to the party program, there should be a refusal of monopolized energy supplies from Russia, better use of Ukraine's transit potential, and an increase in tariffs for the transit of energy resources.

Among Tyagnibok's social policy priorities are combating unemployment, creating new jobs, overcoming the demographic crisis, and fulfilling state obligations to citizens.

In national politics, Tyagnibok and his Freedom advocate for the legal enshrinement of relations between the 'titular nation' - the Ukrainians - and national minorities, in which the rights and obligations of national minorities are clearly defined. The party supports the leading role of the Ukrainian language in all areas of social life, as well as the broadcasting of national channels and the airing of foreign television products exclusively in the Ukrainian language.

Football is one of Tyagnibok's favorite pastimes.
