Which countries have the highest risk of dying from heat: map.

Map of heat wave risk worldwide
Map of heat wave risk worldwide

Abnormal heat in Europe leads to increased mortality

This year, many tourist countries in Europe are suffering from incredible heat. The temperature in popular tourist countries such as France, Spain, and Cyprus has risen above 30 degrees Celsius, leading to an increase in premature deaths.

According to the IS Global institute from Barcelona, over 5 million people died this summer due to heat. To warn tourists about possible threats, the Forecaster.health project was created. Project participants create interactive maps indicating the most dangerous regions for living.

Among popular European resorts with the highest risk of death due to heat are the capital of France - Paris, the largest city in Spain - Madrid, and the central part of Cyprus - Nicosia. The temperature in these places is classified as "extreme" and reaches 40 degrees Celsius.

The project developers explained that too high a temperature leads to more than 5 million premature deaths annually worldwide, of which over 300 thousand occur in Western Europe. This happens because, in conditions of heat, the human body has to work much harder to ensure the necessary temperature regulation, which increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and worsens the condition of asthma patients. These changes begin at temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius.

"In the context of rapid warming, where temperatures are prematurely exceeding previous records over the past two decades, it is very important to use epidemiological models to develop new systems of warning about the impact of expected temperatures on health," the experts emphasized.

Also, due to extreme heat, Europe may change its vacation geography in the future. Tourists will seek other countries with a moderate climate.

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