A brain implant developed in Britain that can improve mood.

Brain implant during the experiment
Імплантат для мозку, створений у Великобританії, здатний підвищити емоційний стан людини.

A new brain implant has been created in the UK that can change patients' mood. The Guardian reports this citing the national health service.

The device can help patients with depression, drug addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and epilepsy.

The implant can be placed under the skull, and it will produce ultrasound pulses to activate neurons.

Before using the device, studies will be conducted on 30 individuals, with 6.5 million pounds spent to check its safety and effectiveness.

Unlike the Neuralink implant developed by Elon Musk, which ceased to function after the threads that record neuron activity were removed, this new implant will be tested outside of the USA.

Scientists from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne have also presented their development - a neurochip that can recognize handwritten letters with 91% accuracy from brain signals. This development surpasses the Neuralink implant in many parameters.

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