A scandal erupted on the network around a 'healer' who calls herself the 'Mother of God'.

Tetyana Melnitska - self-proclaimed healer Bogoroditsa
Tetyana Melnitska - self-proclaimed healer Bogoroditsa

Discussions about the activities of Hanna Fesun, who acts as a healer and organizer of spiritual practices, are spreading on social networks. She offers counseling services on pregnancy and childbirth, calling herself the "Mother of God". There is also information that women give her their savings, hoping for "spiritual help".

Who is Hanna Fesun?

According to information from her social media pages, Fesun is from Zolotonosha, lives in Kyiv, and is a former owner of a cocoa shop. She also made a documentary about Taras Prokhasko.

Spiritual practices and the role of the 'Mother of God'

Fesun has been organizing spiritual practices since 2019, initially at her establishment in Podil called "Kolo Kakao". Subsequently, she began holding online meetings called "Women's Circle". In her practices, she promises healing from various problems and calls herself a doula, supporting women during pregnancy and childbirth. However, it is unknown whether she has medical education for this.

Fraud and money extortion

Recently, the head of communications at the Center for Economic Recovery criticized Fesun for attempting to extort money from people under the pretense of healing. Many people have been victims of this deception, which has been ongoing for half a year. Additionally, there is information that Fesun involves people in her 'sect' and conducts rituals, requiring them not to sleep and to fast.

Information about Hanna Fesun is available on the vilneslovo website, where her activities and influence on people are highlighted.

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