In Eastern Europe, a New Indispensable US Ally Has Emerged - Media.

Ukraine's closeness to the US
Ukraine's closeness to the US

Romania is becoming an increasingly important strategic point due to its location near the Black Sea and the presence of a NATO base. After the modernization of the Mihail Kogălniceanu base, it can accommodate over 10,000 military personnel and their families. The base is located next to the American Deveselu base, which houses the Aegis missile defense system. Against the backdrop of conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as unstable relations with Turkey, Romania has become an indispensable ally of the United States. This is reported by retired political science professor Ronald Linden in an article for The Hill.

Romania was one of the first countries to make a significant contribution to the multinational forces in Afghanistan, even sending its troops to the territory of that country. In 2004, Romania was admitted to NATO.

According to Linden, Romania also provides economic support to Ukraine. When Russia mined sea routes, destroyed ports, and threatened commercial shipping, Kyiv turned to Romania for the use of its ports on the Black Sea and Danube for grain exports, which are vital. When the deal with Russia, brokered by the UN in 2022, collapsed, Romanian ports, especially Constanța, became the backbone of trade.

Source: ZN.UA

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