Ukraine will export electricity: how it is possible after the devastating attacks by the Russian Federation.

Photo of electricity in Ukraine after Russian attacks
Photo of electricity in Ukraine after Russian attacks

From August 25, Ukraine plans to resume electricity exports to neighboring countries. Electricity consumption is decreasing due to lower temperatures. This was reported by energy expert Gennady Ryabtsev.

According to Gennady Ryabtsev, there are two methods of dealing with excess electricity.

  • The first method is that the transmission system operator can limit generation by commanding the solar power plant to reduce energy production.
  • The second method is that the excess electricity can be directed for export on the intraday market. This will allow the electricity producers to receive additional funds and spend them on preparing for the heating season.
"This phenomenon does not mean that anyone will sign long-term or even short-term agreements for the supply of electrical energy if consumption restrictions are announced or if it complicates the operation of the unified energy system," noted the energy expert.

Earlier, the Ministry of Energy called on Ukrainians to prepare for a difficult winter.

It is worth noting that on August 23, after a scheduled shutdown for nuclear fuel reloading, an additional nuclear unit was connected to the energy system.

Recall that during the upcoming winter, all nine nuclear units in Ukraine will be operational. Repair work has clear schedules. This was reported by the head of the Ministry of Energy Herman Galushchenko.

Unlike in previous months, "Ukrenergo" forecasts a reduction in power outages in August-October. The head of "Ukrenergo" Volodymyr Kudrytskyi stated that the electricity deficit in Ukraine's energy system will decrease during August, September, and October, if no new large-scale attacks occur.

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