Ukraine in the OSCE explained why the Armed Forces of Ukraine need long-range weapons.

Long-range weaponry for the Armed Forces of Ukraine - a reserve of security
Long-range weaponry for the Armed Forces of Ukraine - a reserve of security

Ukraine is calling on the international community to provide it with long-range weapons for the purpose of destroying Russian aircraft at airfields to protect the civilian population, emphasized Natalia Kostenko, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to International Organizations in Vienna.

"Russia's aggressive war against my country requires immediate and decisive actions from the international community. It is extremely important that every Russian attack is met with a proportional response – through military force, sanctions, and practical steps to hold the Russian Federation accountable," she said during the latest meeting of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation.

Kostenko emphasized the importance of taking proactive measures and forcing the Russian Federation "to recognize the impossibility of continuing its criminal aggressive war and destroying the Ukrainian state".

"The resilience of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which repel hundreds of enemy attacks daily despite Russia's advantage in artillery and aviation, is vivid proof of this. In this context, the ability to strike targets on Russian territory takes on special significance. Long-range weapons capable of reaching critically important Russian military objects are key to weakening the aggressor's potential, preventing further escalation, and saving human lives," the Ukrainian diplomat noted.

According to her, delays in supplying Ukraine with the necessary weapons will only mean more destruction and casualties among Ukrainian civilians.

"We know the military airfields from which Russian aircraft take off, the supply routes for bombs and missiles, the bases where launchers are stationed. Every day of delay in making this important decision – every day without the necessary weapons – means that another Russian plane will drop a bomb on a residential building, school, or hospital," Kostenko emphasized.

Source: Ukrinform

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