Ukrainians were explained how not to lose the subsidy if a family member is abroad.

Subsidy: tips for family members abroad
Subsidy: tips for family members abroad

Ukraine resolves the issue of granting housing subsidies to Ukrainians who are abroad

Many Ukrainians, due to the war, are forced to leave their homeland and stay abroad. This places them in front of a number of questions about receiving a housing subsidy.

The Pension Fund of Ukraine answered three of the most pressing questions about receiving utility benefits while staying abroad.

Granting subsidies during a long stay abroad

A household can receive a housing subsidy if one of its members is abroad for more than 60 days. However, there are some nuances. When submitting an application, it is necessary to indicate the long-term stay of a family member abroad. In this case, this person will not be taken into account when calculating the subsidy. Their income and norms for housing and utilities will not be considered when granting the subsidy.

It is important to note that if the long-term stay abroad was not indicated, and the subsidy was calculated taking into account this person, then the subsidy payment will be stopped, and any overpaid funds will have to be returned.

Obligation to inform about going abroad

It is necessary to inform the Pension Fund of Ukraine about the long-term stay of a household member abroad for more than 60 days within 30 days. This concerns the period for which the subsidy is granted. The notification period for residents of certain regions will be extended until one month after the termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine.

Consequences of untimely informing

If the Pension Fund of Ukraine independently discovers the long-term stay of a household member abroad, the subsidy payment will be stopped. To receive the subsidy, a new application must be submitted, but it will only be considered from the beginning of the new heating or non-heating season.

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