Ukrzaliznytsia appoints additional trains.

Additional trains of Ukrzaliznytsia
Additional trains of Ukrzaliznytsia

In Ukraine, three more trains will be added in March

On March 9, train No.168/167 Lviv – Odesa – Lviv will start its run. It will leave Lviv at 07:26 and arrive in Odesa at 18:17. In the reverse direction, departure will be at 07:53, and arrival back to Lviv at 18:23.

Also, on March 9, train No.265/266 Kyiv – Odesa – Kyiv will begin its service. It will depart from Kyiv at 08:33 and arrive in Odesa at 18:08. In the reverse direction, departure will be at 11:27, and arrival in Kyiv at 20:42.

“To the Carpathians – for fresh air and inspiration, an additional train No.159/160 Kyiv – Truskavets – Kyiv will depart on March 16 and 30. It will leave Kyiv at 10:16 and arrive in Truskavets at 19:37. In the reverse direction, departure will be at 08:33, and arrival back to Kyiv at 19:11,” the message states.

Ticket sales have already begun.

It is also reported that tickets for previously announced trains No. 213/214 Kyiv – Yasinia and No. 777/778 Kyiv – Lviv can now be purchased.

Reminder, recently “Ukrzaliznytsia” introduced new passenger cars.

Improved safety of new cars

  • four-zone video surveillance;
  • manual lock and additional blocking of the compartment;
  • alarm signal at the entrance to the compartment with enhanced signal;
  • call button for the conductor;
  • modernized communication and management tools for the train crew.

New cars also have quality sound insulation and a smooth ride. Each compartment has a “soft” reading area by the window, as well as sockets, USB, and Type-C at each passenger seat.

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