Estonia considers preventive invasion into Russia in case of escalation of relations — Media.

Estonia allows preventive invasion of Russia
Estonia allows preventive invasion of Russia

Estonia plans a preventive invasion into Russia

Estonia plans a preventive invasion into Russia if relations between the two countries escalate. Such an opinion was expressed by Major General Vahur Karus, Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces.

He announced a new NATO plan, which states that "we must be able to defeat the Russians if they attack Estonia, on their own territory, where the troops are stationed," according to The Hill newspaper.

Now, given the significant losses of the Russian army in Ukraine, many in Estonia are confident that the country will be able to effectively resist Russian aggression.

If Estonia believes that it is capable of retaliating, there is no doubt that Latvia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan — and possibly a few more former Soviet republics — think the same," — the newspaper writes.

The Estonians are fully aware of Putin's senseless approach to warfare. Their armed forces are small — 60 thousand people — this is the planned number for wartime — but they may be quite sufficient for invading Russia, destabilizing its army, and carrying out an operation similar to Ukraine's invasion of the Kursk region.

Source: ZN.UA

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