It is cloudy in Ukraine with clearings: weather forecast for March 17.

Cloudy weather with clearings is anticipated
Today, March 17, cloudy weather with clearings is expected in Ukraine. This was reported by 'Glavkom' citing 'Ukrhydrometcenter'.
Precipitation and temperature
At night, there will be light rain in the southern part and eastern regions, while during the day, there may be light wet snow in the western, northern, Vinnytsia, and Cherkasy regions. No precipitation is expected in the remaining territory.
The air temperature at night in the western, northern, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, and Poltava regions will range from 3 to 8 degrees below zero, while during the day it will be from 1 degree below zero to 4 degrees above zero. In the remaining territory, the temperature at night and during the day is expected to be from 2 to 7 degrees above zero, and in the southeast, it will be from 8 to 13 degrees above zero. There may also be ice on the roads in the western regions.
The wind will mostly be northwestern at a speed of 7-12 m/s. In the western and northern regions, there may be gusts of wind during the day with a speed of 15-20 m/s.