In Ukraine, the utility payment assistance was recalculated.

Recalculation of utility assistance in Ukraine
Recalculation of utility assistance in Ukraine

Recalculation of subsidies in Ukraine took place in August 2024

In August 2024, the traditional automatic recalculation of subsidies took place in Ukraine. The amounts of assistance for utility payments were updated for those whose incomes had undergone significant changes. However, one can lose the payment due to debt on utility services.

The recalculation of subsidies in Ukraine is carried out twice a year - in March ('for summer') and in August ('for the heating season'), reminded the Pension Fund (PFU). The recalculation is carried out for households (families) whose income has:

  • increased by 50% or more;
  • decreased by 50% or more.

When recalculating such payments in August, the average monthly total income for the first and second quarters of the current year is taken into account. It is compared with the income for the third and fourth quarters of the previous year.

If the comparison shows that the recipient's income has changed by more than 50%, the amount of the subsidy is reviewed. The reason lies in the formula for calculating the subsidy, which depends not only on the family's utility expenses but also on their incomes.

At the same Time, it should be taken into account that one can lose the subsidy if there are debts for utility services and refusal to restructure them. This refers to debts that have accumulated over a period of 3 months and exceed 680 UAH.

In this case, the Pension Fund does not assign a subsidy until the person enters into a restructuring agreement or pays off the debt.

However, in the case of applying for a new subsidy (for those who have not yet received it), one may also be denied for other reasons. In particular, errors in the income declaration or application: if there are inaccuracies in the provided documents, the Pension Fund will notify the applicant. They will be given 30 days to correct the errors. After this, the documents can be reconsidered.

Source: OBOZ.UA

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