In Ukraine, snakes and bears have woken up in the middle of winter: why this is dangerous.

Snake on a snowy polar landscape
Зимова активність змій і ведмедів в Україні: наслідки для природи та безпеки людей.

Due to the unexpectedly warm weather in Ukraine, reptiles and even bears have appeared, which is becoming a dangerous phenomenon. Scientists explained the reason for this. This is reported by TSN.

In the village of Kobyletska Polyana, a resident noticed a viper among the snow. This is an anomaly, as reptiles usually wake up in April. Zoologists attribute this to significant warming of the soil and high temperatures even in January. This leads to the destruction of their eggs, causing a rapid decline in amphibian populations. Climate change also affects other animal species.

Birds are also altering their usual migrations due to the unexpectedly warm weather. For instance, cranes arrived in Transcarpathia almost a month earlier than usual.

The warm weather has led to the early awakening of bears. They become aggressive due to the lack of sufficient food sources. If the frosts return, then the reptiles that have already emerged from their winter shelters may suffer.

Scientists also assert that the warm winter negatively affects the marmots that have already woken up. They also live under constant stress due to shelling in the frontline area.

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