The Vatican allows gay men to become priests, but there is one condition.

Same-sex marriage does not exempt from ordination
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The Catholic Church allows gay men to become priests, but restricts sexual practice

According to an investigation by Euronews, the Catholic Church now allows openly gay men to become priests. However, practicing sex is forbidden, as homosexual activity is considered sinful.

Italian bishops have published new guidelines stating that openly gay men are officially allowed to enter church service. However, the new rules specify that open gay men cannot be denied priestly calling.

Homosexual inclinations should be viewed not only from this perspective but also in the context of the overall personality of the young person, just as with any candidate.

However, it is noted that gay priests are forbidden from having sex, just as heterosexual priests are.

The Church respects homosexual individuals but believes that homosexual activity is sinful. It is also forbidden to ordain men who engage in homosexuality, have homosexual inclinations, or support gay culture.

Despite this, women, regardless of sexual orientation, are still prohibited from entering the priesthood of the Catholic Church.

Previously, Pope Francis apologized for the use of derogatory language regarding gay men that was used to justify the ban on gay priests.

In addition, Pope Francis approved a resolution that Roman Catholic priests may bless same-sex couples, but only in special cases where it does not fall within standard church rituals or liturgies.

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