Venislavskyi refuted the rumors about TCC searching for "all" who did not update their data.

Vinkler Venislavsky denied rumors of searching for the TCC 'everyone' who did not update their data
Vinkler Venislavsky denied rumors of searching for the TCC 'everyone' who did not update their data

Member of Parliament Fedir Venislavskyi refuted the information that all citizens who have not updated their military registration data are automatically declared wanted. He detailed the procedure that must precede the declaration of a conscript as wanted.

He said this in a comment to the Telegram channel "Trukha".

"The declaration procedure includes several stages", - explained Venislavskyi.

He added that first, the Territorial Recruitment Center (TCC) draws up a protocol on an administrative offense and imposes a fine of about 17 thousand hryvnias. Then this protocol is sent to the court for a decision.

"Only if the conscript does not comply with the court's decision, the TCC contacts the police requesting to declare the citizen who has not paid the fine as wanted", - emphasized the deputy.

This statement came in response to the recent remarks made by the acting deputy head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional TCC, who claimed that all conscripts who have not updated their registration data or do not have military registration documents are automatically considered violators and are being sought by the police.

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