Choice Between Trump and Harris: 'American Axis' Divided - Media.

Choice between Trump and Harris: American axis divided
Choice between Trump and Harris: American axis divided

Russia and Iran - Close Partners in the War Against Ukraine and in the Middle East

A new dynamic is now emerging in the alignment of U.S. rivals: China, Russia, and Iran are converging on many fronts, but when it comes to party politics, they diverge in opinions. China, Russia, and Iran spread disinformation to undermine the legitimacy of U.S. elections. Even tactics like creating deceptive content using artificial intelligence are common among these three countries. However, China does not support any candidate, while Russia and Iran are backing different candidates to influence the U.S. elections.

Russia is considered the most aggressive foreign threat to the 2024 elections, while Iran is ranked second. Iranian hackers stole data from the Trump campaign and passed it to the media and the Democratic Party. U.S. intelligence now confirms that Russia is focusing all its efforts on damaging the Democratic Party, specifically presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Russia has already interfered in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

China, Russia, and Iran have a common goal - to weaken the U.S., and this has facilitated their convergence. But they also have their own goals and interests, which may lead them in opposite directions. U.S. relations with these countries will affect the future geopolitical alignment of the world.

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