«Believed in the future she won for herself and her son». Let us remember Natalia Boiko.

A lady falling asleep inside: remembering Nataliia Boiko
A lady falling asleep inside: remembering Nataliia Boiko

Every day at 9 am, Ukrainians honor the memory of all those whose lives were taken by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Today, let us remember Natalia Boiko.

On Tuesday, October 22, Lviv bid farewell to servicewoman Natalia Boiko, who, without any combat experience, stood up to defend the state from Russian invaders. Her life was cut short on October 17, 2024. This was reported by the Lviv City Council.

Natalia Boiko was born on August 23, 1989, in Lviv. She studied at school No. 22 named after Vasyl Stefanyk. Later she obtained two higher educations: at the Lviv University of Trade and Economics and at the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after Stepan Zenonovych Hzhytsky.

After completing her studies, she initially worked as a secretary-referent at the "Polytechnics" company, and later in the beauty industry. Recently, Natalia Boiko held the position of educator at the "Ptashynya" kindergarten.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, she actively engaged in volunteering for the needs of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine.

And on July 28, 2023, despite lacking combat experience, she stood up to defend the state from Russian invaders.

Natalia Boiko fought the occupiers on the eastern front as part of the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Yakov Handziuk of the "South" Operational Command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to her sister Olga Boiko, Natalia always served on the Pokrovsk direction and believed in the future she so fervently fought for for herself and her son.

For her diligent service, she was repeatedly recognized by military command.

On October 17, 2024, the Ukrainian defender died on the Pavlograd direction. Natalia Boiko was buried on October 22 at the Mars Field in Lviv.

The volunteer is survived by her son, parents, and sister.

Honoring the fallen

"Glavcom" joins the minute of silence. We honor the memory of all Ukrainians who died fighting for the Motherland. We remember those killed by Russian invaders, light candles of memory, and bow our heads in sorrow during the national moment of silence, honoring the bright memory of the citizens of Ukraine who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the state: all the military, civilians, and children, all who perished fighting the Russian occupiers and as a result of enemy troops attacking Ukrainian cities and villages.

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