High atmospheric pressure affects precipitation in Ukraine: what the weather will be like on February 12.

High atmospheric pressure and precipitation
High atmospheric pressure and precipitation

Weather in Ukraine: no precipitation, possible icy roads

Today, February 12, no precipitation is expected in Ukraine, as announced by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center. These weather conditions arise due to high atmospheric pressure.

Icy roads are possible in the northeastern part of the country. The wind will be from the northeast, while in the west – from the southeast at a speed of 3-8 m/s.

The air temperature at night will be from -7 to -12 degrees Celsius, in Crimea – from -1 to -6 degrees Celsius. During the day, they forecast -0 to -5 degrees Celsius in the country, while in the west and south, temperatures will range from -1 degree Celsius to +4 degrees Celsius. In Zakarpattia, the temperature will rise to +3 to +8 degrees Celsius.

Weather in Kyiv: cloudy with clearings

The capital also forecasts cloudy weather with clearings, with no precipitation. The wind will be from the northeast at a speed of 3-8 m/s.

The temperature in Kyiv at night will be from -8 to -10 degrees Celsius, and during the day from -2 to -4 degrees Celsius.

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