Authorities of Belgorod Region Evacuate Residents of Four Border Villages.

Donbass military evacuates local residents
Donbass military evacuates local residents

The headquarters of Belgorod Region in Russia decided to evacuate residents of several villages due to the tense situation in the border zone. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reported that there are many injured and dead.

It was decided to evacuate the residents of the villages of Poroz and Dronovka in the Grayvoron District, as well as the village of Stary Khutor and the hamlet of Pavlovka in the Valuysky City District.

«The entrance to the village of Vyazovoye in the Krasnoyaruzhsky District is also closed. We are setting up checkpoints; access to this locality will only be possible with the administration's permission. Unfortunately, the situation, I repeat once again, remains tense: many are wounded, there are fatalities. We are obliged to take measures to protect the population», – said the governor of the region.

Schools located within a 20-kilometer zone of the region's border municipalities will also switch to remote learning.

Gladkov added that residents of these villages and some other localities will receive compensation of 15 thousand rubles.

Recently, the governor reported that the situation on the border with Ukraine remains difficult, but under control.

Russian reserves are also being transferred to the Belgorod Region, which may be used in future offensives.

Previously, entry to five border settlements in the Belgorod Region was closed, and their residents were evacuated.

The authorities also introduced an emergency regime at the federal level in the region.

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