The authorities reported new data on air quality in Ternopil region.

Air quality in Ternopil region
Air quality in Ternopil region

Increase in chlorine concentration in Ternopil air after fire

In Ternopil, in the "Novy Svit" district, an increase in chlorine concentration in the air was recorded after a large-scale fire at an industrial site caused by a nighttime Russian strike. According to the regional military administration, the indicators processed for the period from 19:00 to 21:45 on August 20 indicate a slight increase in chlorine concentration in the air.

Experts throughout the day conducted air quality measurements in various districts of Ternopil and nearby villages. The next air quality measurement is scheduled for the morning of August 21.

As a result of the nighttime Russian strike, a large-scale fire occurred at one of the industrial sites in Ternopil. Due to the fire, experts found chlorine levels exceeded from 4 to 10 times in the Ternopil region.

To minimize harm from chemically hazardous substances, local authorities recommended limiting outdoor activities, closing windows and ventilation openings in houses, hanging sheets or fabric dampened with water on windows, avoiding being near water bodies, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Recall that Attack on Ternopil: the control center reported the level of harmful substances in the air.

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