Imported and sold 'replicas' of world brand goods: a group of offenders will be tried in Odesa region.

Imported and sold replicas of global brands
Imported and sold replicas of global brands

Odesa Cyber Police and BEC detectives uncovered a scheme for distributing counterfeit goods under the guise of a well-known brand in Ukraine.

According to the police, law enforcement officers discovered thousands of counterfeit goods worth nearly 4.7 million UAH. The indictment against the three individuals will be sent to court.

Odesa Cyber Police and detectives from the Bureau of Economic Security in the Odesa region, under the guidance of the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office, uncovered a business group that illegally imported and sold counterfeit items of a well-known world brand.

The crimes were committed from July 2023 to March 2024 by the owners of an online store, as well as through social networks and messengers. Such counterfeits could also be purchased in a store in one of the districts of Odesa.

As a result of searches and checks of the residences and activities of the counterfeiters, as well as in the car of one of them, law enforcement officers seized smartwatches, headphones, mobile phones, and cash obtained from illegal activities. The value of the seized goods is estimated at approximately 4.7 million UAH.

Based on conducted examinations, it was determined that the brand owner suffered damages amounting to over 6.5 million UAH.

The pre-trial investigation was completed by law enforcement agencies at the end of September. The indictment against the three suspects will be sent to court under an article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment for up to three years.

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