Threat to the capital's water supply: Kyivvodokanal clarified the situation.

Illustration for news about the threat to water supply
Illustration for news about the threat to water supply

Kyivvodokanal refuted information about the threat to the capital's water supply

Kyivvodokanal officially refuted information about the threat to the capital's water supply due to pollution of the Desna River. In a Facebook announcement on September 10, 2024, the company assured that the situation is under control and water quality meets all standards.

Kyivvodokanal representatives emphasized that the previously mentioned pessimistic scenario of events has a low probability. Despite this, the company is taking preventive measures to ensure stable water supply.

Among the measures taken:

  • Regular water sampling at the Desnian water treatment plant and control points in the Chernihiv region.
  • Readiness to implement enhanced purification technology using powdered activated carbon.
  • Signing a memorandum with UNICEF for the supply of 120 tons of activated carbon.
  • Installation of additional boom barriers at the water intake site.
  • Creation of a working group to respond to potential threats.

Kyivvodokanal also reported close cooperation with city authorities, the Ministry of Environment, and the State Water Agency to control the situation and respond to potential emergencies.

To provide additional information, a press briefing on the current state of water quality in Kyiv is scheduled for September 11.

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