The West needs to be mentally and technically prepared for war - ex-president of Latvia.

Former President of Latvia calls for readiness
Former President of Latvia calls for readiness

The Western world must be ready for war - Vejonis

Former President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis called on the Western world to be prepared for extreme situations and war. He believes that not only adults but also young people should be aware of such readiness. In Western countries where there have been no wars, people are accustomed to a comfortable life and are not ready for extreme situations. Vejonis called for a change in this attitude and preparing people for crisis situations, so as not to start with defeats. He also demands that democratic countries be ready to resist and win from the first day. Comprehensive readiness for war is important both technically and mentally. Vejonis emphasizes that this applies not only to adults but also to youth. He also notes that the world is very volatile and unstable, which is why defense spending will increase. However, there is a limit to such spending, so economic development is an important factor. Raimonds Vejonis served as Latvia's Minister of Defense and President of the country and currently heads the Latvian Basketball Association.

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