Zelensky announced personnel changes in the government, OP, and voiced new priorities.

Zelensky announced personnel changes and priorities
Zelensky announced personnel changes and priorities

In his address on September 3, the 923rd day of the war, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about the tragic events in Poltava and the government's plans to strengthen the country's defense capabilities and internal reforms.

Tragedy in Poltava.

According to the President, as a result of a Russian missile strike in Poltava, 51 people were killed, and 271 people were injured. Rescue operations continue, and debris is being cleared. Zelensky expressed gratitude to rescuers, doctors, nurses, and Poltava residents who joined in the aid, particularly donating blood. He noted that there might still be people under the rubble of the destroyed building, and everything possible was being done to save them.

The President reported that the strike was carried out by two ballistic missiles. "The air raid signal was given. All circumstances of the tragedy are being investigated by law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine".

Meeting of the Staff and defense issues.

Zelensky held a Staff meeting where issues of air defense and protection of cities and communities were discussed. Steps were outlined to improve the efficiency of existing air defense systems. Ukraine is working on gaining additional protection and is counting on the Patriot system, which Romania is preparing to transfer.

The President emphasized the importance of obtaining long-range weapons from partners, which could destroy Russian launchers, military airfields, and logistics before missile launches. According to him, this would be the biggest step towards a just end to the war.

International cooperation.

Zelensky reported a conversation with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, during which air defense issues, defense packages, and equipment needs were discussed. The Canadian Prime Minister expressed willingness to more actively persuade partners to provide Ukraine with more long-range weapons.

Internal issues and personnel changes.

The President announced personnel changes in the government and the Office of the President, aimed at strengthening key areas. Among the priorities:

  1. Strengthening interaction between central authorities and communities, especially in preparation for the winter season.
  2. Development of defense production and attracting partners' investments in strategic industries.
  3. Strengthening cooperation with NATO.
  4. Preparation for real negotiations on EU membership.
  5. Counteracting Russian propaganda and protecting Ukraine's cultural heritage.

Zelensky also noted the importance of a new level of informational, cultural, and diplomatic work, as well as strengthening relationships with the global Ukrainian community.

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