VAT instead of military duty: Stepanczuk declared that there is no alternative to tax increases.

VAT instead of military duty: Stepanczuk declared that there is no alternative to tax increases
VAT instead of military duty: Stepanczuk declared that there is no alternative to tax increases

The Government of Ukraine is actively working on increasing budget revenues by raising taxes. For this purpose, bill No. 11416 was registered, which offers various options for increasing state budget revenues.

However, according to the representative of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stepanchuk, parliament may reject this option.

He explained that the government proposed a small percentage increase in various taxes. "The government suggests taking a little from different places, that's the philosophy," Stepanchuk added.

An alternative option is a significant increase in value-added tax (VAT), which has a broad tax base. The Rada representative noted that this option involves an increase in VAT by a certain percentage.

The decision on the selected option will depend on the discussion in the relevant committee. According to Stepanchuk, the bill on VAT increase may be passed easier, but in any case, tax increases are necessary.

"We understand that we can increase budget revenues by increasing taxation or through emissions. But emissions are not a way out," he explained.

It is worth reminding that the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine has criticized the government's tax plans.

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