VAT instead of military duty: Stefanchuk stated that there are no alternatives to tax increases.

Stanislav Shulyak
Stanislav Shulyak

The Ukrainian government is actively working on increasing budget revenues by raising taxes. To this end, bill №11416 has been registered, which proposes various options for increasing state budget revenues.

However, according to the spokesman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, the parliament may reject this option.

He explained that the government proposed raising various taxes by a small percentage. "The government proposes to take a little from different places, such is the philosophy," added Stefanchuk.

An alternative option is a significant increase in value-added tax (VAT), which has a broad tax base. The Rada spokesman noted that this option involves an increase in VAT by a certain percentage.

The decision on the chosen option will depend on the discussion in the profile committee. According to Stefanchuk, the bill on VAT increase can be adopted more easily, but in any case, a tax increase is necessary.

"We understand that we can increase budget revenues by raising taxes or through emission. But emission is not the way out," he explained.

Let us recall, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine has expressed criticism regarding the government's tax plans.

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