The company conducted internal testing and immediately fired 100 employees: reason.

List of employees dismissed by the company in the conducted testing
List of employees dismissed by the company in the conducted testing

The Indian brand Shark Tank received negative public reaction after dismissing a hundred employees. The reason was the information about the test results, which showed poor mental health and high stress levels among the employees. The company decided to dismiss these employees immediately, and they were informed via email.

This decision sparked sharp criticism in society. Many people are asking why the decision was made to fire employees instead of addressing the stress problem and improving working conditions.

Critics believe that this step is counterproductive and demonstrates the company's powerlessness regarding the well-being of its employees. They are outraged that instead of addressing the causes of stress, the company sends a message as if it does not care about the mental health of its employees.

This decision also caused outrage among social media users. They call this step a terrible consequence of the marketing strategy or a troubling example of lack of principles. Many people emphasize that this is the worst response to questions about mental health.

Let us remind you that the Tokyo authorities plan to implement a four-day workweek for civil servants to combat declining birth rates.

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