As a result of the accident at the mine substation, more than 100 miners were trapped underground.

Underground accident trapped miners
Унаслідок аварії на підземній підстанції понад 100 гірників залишилися заблокованими під землею.

Over 100 miners are sheltered in the depths of the earth in Dnipropetrovsk region

Approximately 100 miners have been stranded due to an accident at the mine in Dnipropetrovsk region. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

135 miners are currently located at a depth of over 1300 meters. It is noted that thanks to the joint efforts of rescuers, enterprise specialists, and other units of the State Emergency Service, the accident has been overcome.

«135 miners have been trapped at a depth of over 1300 meters due to the accident at the mine in Dnipropetrovsk region,» the report states.

Rescuers have done everything possible to free the miners from underground. They used a complex technology to create artificial loads on the mine shaft for the safe lifting of people to the surface.

The rescue operations were successfully completed. All 135 miners returned home safe and sound.

It is worth noting that doctors at the Lviv hospital 'Okhmatdyt' performed surgery on a 10-month-old boy who swallowed a toy ring and saved his life.

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