42-year-old Liliia Rebrik danced the "Macarena" energetically at a late stage of pregnancy and responded to advice.

Liliya Rebrick danced Macarena during pregnancy
Liliya Rebrick danced Macarena during pregnancy

Ukrainian TV host, 42-year-old Liliia Rebrik, surprised with her energetic content.

On her Instagram, the star posted a video where she danced the "Macarena" with her five-year-old daughter, Polina.

After she energetically jumped in the frame, followers became concerned and started giving advice regarding pregnancy.

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"Lilia, please stop jumping, take care of yourself, I'm just worried about you," wrote one of the fans.

Rebrik replied: "Oh, come on. Should I just lie down and stay still? Then you should really worry about me because I'll go crazy that way."

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Post shared by Liliia Rebrik (@liliia.rebrik)

Previously, Lilia shared with fans how she feels during her third pregnancy. She admitted that during her previous two pregnancies she suffered from toxicosis. "And finally, the third Time at the sixth month, my body gave me the opportunity to enjoy pregnancy without toxicosis. I subdued it. So I've been enjoying it for a month now," the star said.

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