Gas stations lowered diesel prices at the beginning of the week: how the cost of gasoline and autogas changed.

Diesel fuel gets cheaper, prices for gasoline and autogas
Diesel fuel gets cheaper, prices for gasoline and autogas

At the beginning of the week, Ukrainians were shown how fuel prices at gas stations had changed. According to the Minfin portal, fuel prices have undergone slight changes. Some positions have become cheaper, while others have increased in price.

According to statistics, the price of A-95 gasoline decreased by 3 kopecks or 0.053%, and amounts to 56.58 hryvnias per liter. A-92 gasoline rose by 2 kopecks (0.037%) and costs 53.56 hryvnias per liter. The cost of premium A-95 gasoline remained unchanged at 60.27 hryvnias per liter.

For drivers who refuel with diesel fuel, there is comforting news - the cost of diesel fuel decreased by 3 kopecks (0.057%), and amounts to 52.80 hryvnias per liter.

Automotive gas, on the other hand, increased in price by 3 kopecks or 0.097%, and the price per liter reached 31.01 hryvnias.

We also reported on how the increase in excise taxes affected the cost of diesel and gasoline.

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