Biden does not fulfill his promise regarding Ukraine – WSJ.

President Biden betrays Ukraine – WSJ
President Biden betrays Ukraine – WSJ

US President Joe Biden has decided not to disclose the strategy for using aid to win. This became known from the material of the newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

According to the publication, the White House chooses not to publicly disclose the winning strategy before Congress and the public. Even after Congress demanded the administration provide a strategy for helping Ukraine, the president's administration delayed and classified the document. This has drawn criticism from Republicans and questioned the effectiveness of the support.

«As part of the supplementary funding law for Ukraine this year, Congress required the Biden administration to present a strategy for using American aid within 45 days. The Biden administration did not present specific types of weapons needed to reclaim Ukrainian territories from Russia», – the material states.

Thus, WSJ journalists emphasize that Republicans in Congress are right in insisting that the administration formulate a detailed theory of how Ukraine can use the provided assistance to reclaim more territories from Putin.

«The stalemate on the battlefield has led to public skepticism in the US, threatening further American support, regardless of the results of the presidential race. But Biden does not fill the gaps», – sums up in the material by The Wall Street Journal.

Therefore, Congress required the administration to provide a specific strategy related to aid delivery, and President Biden understood that without this, he would not get Congressional approval for aid. Therefore, he signed the law, agreeing to this requirement.

But the strategy document was presented «several months after the deadline set by Congress», Republican representatives in the House of Representatives note in their report, including Ukrainian-oriented representatives.

Moreover, the document was entirely classified. Republican Party representatives are calling on the administration to provide a non-classified version of the strategy, as demanded by Congress, so the public can familiarize themselves with it and discuss its advantages.

«There is no guarantee that the administration will fulfill this order by November 5, if at all. Public disclosure may mean that Vice President Kamala Harris will have to explain her own position on the war before the elections. But until she does so and the administration keeps the information secret, Harris will be accused of Biden's inconsistency», – summarizes the newspaper.

Recall that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky showed Joe Biden his «Victory Plan» in the war against Russia. The parties agreed on consultations between their teams for further steps and achieving the plan's success.

Also, Zelensky met with US presidential candidate Donald Trump and presented him with the victory plan. The head of state expressed gratitude to Kamala Harris for her participation in the first Peace Summit and for the unwavering support of the United States throughout this Time.

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