Biden declared that Trump poses a threat to democracy and must be "politically" isolated.

Biden declares Trump threatens democracy
Biden declares Trump threatens democracy

President Biden calls to "politically confine" Trump

U.S. President Joe Biden stated that the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses a threat to democracy. In this regard, he must be "politically" confined.

"We have to lock him up. Politically lock him up. Block him. That's what we have to do," Biden said, reports RBC-Ukraine with reference to Reuters.

The president's statement was made at a campaign headquarters in Concord, New Hampshire, where he urged Democrats on Tuesday to win the November 5 elections.

Biden also added that Trump wants to ignore the guarantees of the U.S. constitution, and therefore "our democracy is under threat" if he defeats the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

Reuters reminded that in 2016, at Trump's rallies when he was running for president, crowds of people repeatedly chanted "lock her up", referring to then-Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton. Trump, in turn, did not dissuade them from these phrases.

Now this year, crowds at rallies supporting Harris sometimes chant "lock him up". People mean Trump, who has been convicted of 34 counts of a serious crime related to the concealment of hush money paid to a porn star. In addition, he is accused of illegally attempting to overturn his defeat in the 2020 election.

But Harris, in turn, stops these chants, declaring that the U.S. Department of Justice will address this issue while she tries to defeat the former president in the elections.

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