Bloomberg named the European country facing a grain crisis.

Grain crisis in Europe
Grain crisis in Europe

France is facing the worst wheat harvest in the last 40 years due to excessive rains. According to Argus, production could drop to 25.2 million tons, which is 27% less than the five-year average. Poor weather conditions have affected the yield and quality of crops in many regions.

All season long, these weather conditions have created problems for grain crops across Europe. Last week, French farmers appealed to the government for financial assistance due to the catastrophic harvest.


«We have to go back to 1983 with its 24.5 million tons to find such a low yield in France. The entire French grain industry must suffer the consequences of this historic drop in production», – said Argus Media France director Gauthier Le Molgat.

This year, total production of grain and oilseeds will be about 74 million tons, with 52.4 million tons of grain and 21.7 million tons of oilseeds. This is 10% less than in 2023, when 82 million tons of crops were harvested.

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