Should women protect men from the MJC? A debate has erupted online.

Do women protect men from TCС?
Do women protect men from TCС?

Online, women who obstruct conscripts from performing military service are condemned. Blogger Vlad Yakushev addressed these women in his post, criticizing their thoughtless actions.

According to Yakushev, these women worry about their children but do not worry about the soldiers who are on the front lines risking their lives. Why should there be exceptions for those who evade service, and why is their life more important than the lives of true heroes?

«Maybe they are also someone's children? How is the one you save from the army better than those who are already in the AFU? Why should he be in a peaceful city while they are in the trenches? Why is his life more valuable than those heroes' lives? Do you want such a gene pool to prevail after the victory? Do you want your daughter to marry a coward, a weakling, a mama's boy?», — asks the blogger.

According to Yakushev, these women not only help evaders but also distort women and mothers who are waiting for their sons and husbands from the war. He urges them to think about how they will be able to look them in the eye.

The blogger also condemns women who beat and insult workers, saying that Ukrainian warriors do not respond to bouts of aggression. He warns that such actions contribute to the depletion of the Ukrainian army and can lead to dire consequences for these women.

«Go ahead, help the enemy derail mobilization, contribute to the depletion of the Ukrainian army, and you will face a Russian soldier who will not hesitate to strike you in the head with the buttstock. Do you want the fate of women who were raped and tortured in Ukrainian cities captured by the enemy? Who will protect you? The one you helped who is screaming while running down the street?», — assures Yakushev.

The blogger also emphasizes that the shame of an evader is well known to his relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors. He warns women that even after the war ends, this shame will not pass, and everyone will know about their actions.

Yakushev's post caused a great resonance online. Some users believe that women who obstruct conscripts are working on the side of the enemy, while others protect those who do not want to go into military service and worry about their children.

Recall that in Khust women obstructed the mobilization of priests. This happened after employees took them for a medical examination and mobilization. The response from local residents was to block the roads and sing prayers under the RCMC building.

Moreover, during martial law in Ukraine, more than 600 criminal groups organizing the illegal departure of conscription-age men abroad were exposed. However, law enforcement officers are doing everything to prevent such cases.

In the example of Khust, we see how women hinder the military in fulfilling their duties, but this is wrong and harmful to our state. Warriors protect Ukraine and risk their lives, and we must support them, not interfere.

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