Raspberry Prices in Ukraine Hit Records: Already Three Times More Expensive.

Raspberry prices hit record highs
Raspberry prices hit record highs

Rising Raspberry Prices in Ukraine

Ukraine is witnessing a significant rise in raspberry prices due to a decrease in its market supply, reports EastFruit project.

In September and early October, the main market supply consists of remontant raspberry varieties. Harvesting of such raspberries will continue for a few more weeks as long as weather conditions allow.

In the wholesale markets of Ukraine, raspberries are offered in small batches at prices ranging from 250 to 350 UAH per kilogram. This is on average 67% more expensive than at the end of the previous week. It is also worth noting that wholesale raspberry prices have reached a record level for the past seven years.

Market participants explain the price increase by the reduction in the assortment of local fruits and berries and positive pricing trends in other markets.

Compared to last year, wholesale raspberry prices in Ukraine have grown by 310%. At the beginning of October 2023, the average raspberry prices were 65 UAH per kilogram, whereas in 2022 they were higher - 140 UAH per kilogram.

Prices for Vegetables for Borscht Have Also Increased

It was also previously reported that prices for vegetables for borscht have increased in Ukraine, but the reason for such growth is still unknown.

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