Day of the Communications and Cybersecurity Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Greetings in Prose, Poems, and Cards.

Ukrainian Armed Forces celebrate Communication and Cybersecurity Day
Ukrainian Armed Forces celebrate Communication and Cybersecurity Day

Today, August 8, is the professional holiday of those who ensure communication between all military units and protect the data of Ukrainian defenders from the eyes and ears of the enemy - the Day of the Communications and Cybersecurity Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The holiday was established by the decree of the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma No. 154/2000 "On the Day of the Communications Forces" in 2000. According to the decree, the Day of the Communications Forces in Ukraine is celebrated annually on August 8.

The document noted that this holiday is introduced: "considering the merits of the communications forces in strengthening the defense capability of the state".

The date of the holiday was chosen not by chance. This is due to the fact that on this day in 1920, in Kyiv, on the basis of the former Konstantinovsky Junker Military School, the training of military communicators began at the Kyiv Military Engineering Courses.

The third year of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, our military is defending Ukraine. The Communications and Cybersecurity Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine play an important role in opposing the Russian occupiers.

The High Command has prepared a selection of the best greetings for this holiday in poems, prose, and cards.

Greetings in prose:

Today, August 8, is the Day of the Communications and Cybersecurity Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. You are the intellectual elite of the troops. Without them, it is impossible to manage the troops, plan and conduct successful operations, or achieve coordinated work between units. You ensure the successful completion of combat missions, and therefore victory. Happy holiday to you! Glory to Ukraine!

Congratulations on the Day of the Military Communicator. We wish you to easily mislead any enemy, we wish you to successfully maintain communication over the wire. May there be many victorious shouts and signals of luck in life. We wish you health, cleverness, peace, and good news!

We sincerely wish our communicators, cyberspecialists good health, God's protection, and the fastest Victory. Boundless gratitude for selfless service for the sake of freedom, truth, independence of Ukraine and its people!

Dear communication warriors - the invisible protectors of our state! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you inexhaustible energy, good health, strength and perseverance, family well-being, and new success in the name of protecting and developing Ukraine. Glory to the communications and cybersecurity forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!

I wish all brave and courageous warriors uninterrupted communication! Indomitable spirit, perseverance, and courage in the fight for our Victory! I wish you and your loved ones good health, family happiness, and well-being. Glory to the communications and cybersecurity forces! Glory to Ukraine! Together we will win!

I congratulate all servicemen of the Communications and Cybersecurity Forces on the holiday and wish them even more strength and inspiration in the fight against the enemy. Every day of their struggle brings our common victory closer. Ukraine will win!

Happy Military Communicator's Day! May the wires always be intact, may communication never be interrupted, and may the airwaves know no interference. Always remain unharmed, so that your loved ones hear your voice, so that they wait in the warm, family circle for your return.

Dear communicators, happy holiday to you! Thank you for your service! I wish you uninterrupted communication, interference-free airwaves, and reliable comrades in arms nearby. May Ukraine win as soon as possible and peaceful times return!

I congratulate all servicemen of the Communications and Cybersecurity Forces on the holiday. May your encryption algorithms be so complex that even you can't break them!

I congratulate all servicemen of the Communications and Cybersecurity Forces on the holiday. May your charisma work like wireless charging - at a distance!

Greetings in Poems:

Day of the Communications Forces of Ukraine,Communicators have a namesake,Communicators, we congratulate you,We wish you quality in work,So that communication never breaks off for a moment,Always remains reliable!After all, without it, nothing is possible,And this toast, for you, friends!

Military communicator, on your holidayWords of recognition sound:Our smart, brave hero,Accept our wishes!I wish that you alwaysCould connect with everyone,And with loved onesI wish not to part!

Today is a well-deserved holiday of yours,And I bow with respect,Military communicator - a real hero,This work is dangerous.And with all my heart on this postI wish you to work without risk,May the sky fulfill any dreamOf such a cool communicator!

On the Day of the Communications Forces of UkraineWe will say to all communicators:You are important, necessaryFor our native country.And your work is valuable,Communication should be reliable,You do not even sleep at night,And the country sleeps peacefully.We wish you health,Not to be sad, not to grieve,These terms with love to youWe tried to compose!

Greetings in cards:

Card 1

Card 2

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