e-Map of Vacancies: Employment for Veterans Will Become Easier.

Veteran employment on the e-Map
Veteran employment on the e-Map

The Ministry of Veterans has created a project to ensure the employment of veterans in the civil service - e-Map of Vacancies

To facilitate the job search and employment of veterans in the civil service, the Ministry of Veterans is launching a project called "e-Map of Vacancies". This project visualizes information about available vacancies in state bodies, local self-government bodies, and military administrations throughout Ukraine.

The Ministry of Veterans reported that the main goal of the project is to assist veterans in finding jobs and to promote their employment in the civil service. Using the "e-Map of Vacancies", users can choose vacancies in different regions of Ukraine and receive detailed information about the requirements for candidates, duties, salary level, and contact details for feedback. To do this, you need to go to the "Table" tab.

It is noted that currently, more than 17% of employees in the Ministry of Veterans are veterans and their family members, as well as families of the deceased, active military personnel, and former prisoners of war.

The e-Map already hosts 170 vacancies, which are updated every hour.

The development of the "e-Map of Vacancies" was carried out jointly with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NACS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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