"Economic reservation" will become one of the main factors of budget-2025 filling, - MP.

Booking factors will boost the budget-2025
Booking factors will boost the budget-2025

In the draft budget for 2025, the Ukrainian government provides for an increase in planned tax revenues by 18.2%. According to the head of the committee on finance, tax, and customs policy Daniil Hetmantsev, such a significant increase is explained by the shadow economy's reduction, particularly in the field of wage payments.

The growth of tax revenues significantly exceeds the projected GDP deflator and inflation figures. The biggest increase is expected from personal income tax (PIT) – by 45%. Such a surge in revenues can only be due to processes of shadow economy reduction associated with the introduction of "economic reservation".

In addition, Hetmantsev proposes returning 4% of PIT to the state budget considering the surplus of local budgets.

Recall that earlier the Cabinet of Ministers said how many jobs Ukraine needs to support the Armed Forces.

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