Ex-MP fighting talks about how to solve the demobilization problem.

Former deputy, soldier, demobilization, government, problem
Former deputy, soldier, demobilization, government, problem

War veteran and Member of Parliament Yegor Firsov shared his thoughts on the problem of demobilization in the army. According to him, servicemen feel deceived by the authorities, as the issue of discharge from service is not discussed in the information space.

Firsov is convinced that although the promised full demobilization will not happen, it is necessary to give the military some clarity. For example, it is possible to allow a half-year rest after three years of service and then return to the front. However, according to him, if the problem is prolonged, it may have negative consequences.

Firsov emphasizes that people who are fighting can later be used for economic development and training NATO soldiers. He stresses that the state must value its defenders, as the war could repeat in the future.

According to another serviceman, Tatiana Chornovol, those who have been on the frontline for a long Time have better chances of survival than newcomers. She calls on Ukraine to do everything possible to ensure that the soldiers' desire to return home is not lost due to the pursuit of professional growth.

Another serviceman, Serhiy Hnezdilov, also left the unit without authorization to draw attention to the problem of the lack of established service terms and the duty to defend the state.

It was previously reported that one of the servicemen who fled from army service was sentenced to five years in prison, his intention to continue service was not considered afterward.

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